Comments on: New guidelines for positive duty to eliminate sexual harassment Your HR news site Mon, 18 Dec 2023 00:42:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Shaw Mon, 18 Dec 2023 00:42:23 +0000 This article highlights the opportunity for HR to add real value rather than introducing another bureaucratic burden on all managers and employees.

The key is transforming the 7 standards requiring 112 pages into a process that is as simple to use as internet banking. And just like internet banking, is robust, transparent, and defendable when used.

I recommend an App-based approach that integrates:
1. How senior leaders can understand the positive duty including how a PCBU can demonstrate elimination or minimisation risks to psychological health and safety.
2. What is required to create a safe, respectful and inclusive culture, where workers are encouraged to report any unlawful behaviour.
3. Educates and trains employees and managers on expected behaviour standards and how to identify unlawful behaviour.
4. How to take a risk-based approach to prevent and respond to unlawful behaviours.
5. Demonstrates how workers who experience or witness unlawful behaviour in workplaces are provided with appropriate support.
6. Details how workers will be provided with appropriate options for reporting unlawful behaviour, and those options are regularly communicated.
7. Allows organisations to collect relevant data in relation to unlawful behaviours in workplaces and use such data to continually improve the work culture and build further precautions to prevent unlawful behaviour.

The time has come for HR to move on from the traditional reliance on policies, training, and manual reporting; and transform their processes into a simple and efficient alternative.

By: Allana Delaney Thu, 31 Aug 2023 17:10:20 +0000 I’ve experienced sexual harassment in the workplace first hand as a male and as I transitioned to a transwoman it just got worse , I toughed it out , still in the same career , fought for respect , this should be interesting .
