Comments on: Ethical dilemma: An employee fakes their professional credentials Your HR news site Tue, 03 Oct 2023 23:28:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sunny Tue, 03 Oct 2023 23:28:11 +0000 In reply to Lillie.

Well said!

By: Bianca Tue, 03 Oct 2023 23:18:43 +0000 In reply to Ryan.

I could not concur more. As I was reading through each analysis and perception, I could not help but wonder how corrupt the business domain has become. Makes one wonder.

By: Kaye Tue, 25 Jul 2023 02:47:33 +0000 If a degree was that essential to the position, a copy of the qualification should have been requested before she started employment. If it wasn’t then it wasn’t that important.

By: James Tue, 04 Jul 2023 08:20:20 +0000 In reply to Jo May.


By: James Tue, 04 Jul 2023 08:19:27 +0000 In reply to Daisy Allen.

I agree. Such behaviour from the HR tipper is a red flag.

By: James Tue, 04 Jul 2023 08:16:55 +0000 In reply to Ryan.

Exactly. From my observations, PDs and job ads often distort the truth, so I think it’s fair to say that lying and manipulation occur on both sides of the table.

By: Lillie Tue, 04 Jul 2023 03:42:48 +0000 In reply to Jo May.

My neice is the Head of People and Culture for an international firm, having completed her HR degree. As far as I am concerned they’re a rendered useless bunch!!!

A thermometer has a degree too and you know where you can stick them? Most are void they don’t even know how to apply themselves to start with.

Unless you want to be a Doctor or lawyer etc, have a PHD, then most degrees are rendered void just money making machine for the
universities to keep the business rolling, that’s all they are these days.

By: Lilliee Tue, 04 Jul 2023 03:32:48 +0000 In reply to Ruth.

I agree with your statement!

By: Lilliee Tue, 04 Jul 2023 03:31:36 +0000 In reply to Daisy Allen.

I agree 100%

By: Monica Watt Tue, 04 Jul 2023 03:26:28 +0000 Interesting question and it is one I have dealt with more than once.

In instances where they are technical roles, it is a no brainer, the employee needs to use equipments. Where the employee could not use the equipment, even when holding “tickets” it is very clear they could not remain in that role and needed to be communicated immediately.

In other instances, and there have been many, I use a heart centred approach. This means to handle the issue with fairness, integrity and empathy. Call a spade a spade, what happened and why in a private conversation, listening to the employee’s side of the story. People make mistakes, people have fears and pressures in getting a job, and perhaps they know the job and could do it effectively without the qualifications? Anything is possible.

There is a need to consider the impact on the team, organisational values, and any legal aspects and create a plan. This might reevaluating the employee’s role, providing growth opportunities, or implementing a corrective action plan.

The objective is to help the employee maintain their face whilst upholding the organisation’s integrity. This might be to remain in the organisation or not. There must be a resolution that fosters fairness, transparency, and personal/professional development that aims for a win-win solution that builds trust and encourages growth.
